Manny’s films, which he has written, directed, and produced, have been featured on notable genre platforms, including Toronto After Dark, Chicago Horror Film Fest, RIP Horror Film Festival, Dark Scream Horror Film Festival, Macabre Faire Film Fest, Sacramento Horror Film Festival, Fargo Fantastic Film Festival, Erie Horror Film Festival, Three Corpse Circus, Puerto Rico Horror Film Fest, and Horrorvision.
Look behind you!
A woman's attempt to break free from a troubled relationship forces her to deal with puzzling deviations in time and confront the haunting remnants of her past.
A creepy man invites a young girl into his home where he toys with a secret agenda that hints at a horrific outcome.
A spiteful waiter's life is destined to change when he crosses paths with an enigmatic patron who holds a morbid obsession with the number ten.